Long time no see:my blogging challenge

So, I come to shamefully admit that it’s been almost a whole year since I have blogged. This blog has been somewhat inconsistent  – I blog for a few months, break for a few months etc etc. The truth is that I never expected anyone to read this blog at all. The fact that I have some followers and have had other bloggers liking and leaving encouragement on my posts was unexpected and truly such a blessing.

I want to get back to blogging a little more regularly and (I may regret committing to this…BUT) I am going to set myself a challenge to publish a new blog post once a week on a Sunday. I want to continue blogging about my own life, my own struggles and triumphs, and of course about what God is teaching me along the journey – along the long road traveled, which is what the blog was about in the first place.

I hope you’ll come along for the ride and feedback is always SO welcome.

In this blog, however, I want to just speak about my life the past few months, its ups and downs. I got married last year for a start! What a wonderful, blessed and joy-filled day our wedding was, getting to commit my life to my best friend in front of all our closest people. The first few months of marriage have been blissful, busy, harder than expected and full of fun and surprises. Marriage is so great – but it is also hard and that is something maybe I can go into more detail about in the blogs to come.

I’ve moved house, become involved with a wonderful church and I am especially enjoying the privilege to work with the young people at this church, as my husband is the Youth Worker there. I have benefitted so much from the fellowship with the other leaders of the youth group I’m involved with and I have learned so, so much from the amazing young people.

I’m still a graduate student working towards my PhD and the work gets harder and more stressful as time goes on but also brings with it wonderful opportunities to travel the world and that should include Portugal, Philadelphia and Banff, Canada this year! How very exciting.

So that’s my updates in a nutshell. I hope that committing to this blog again will help me connect more deeply with God and hopefully some of the bloggers who have supported me in this journey so far! ‘Til this Sunday!


L xo